Hi there!

It's me =) This is just a random spontaneous blog I decided to make to share pretty pictures! Enjoy and thanks for hanging out! ~Pixie

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Rainbow dash

Love the rainbow dash hair!
NOT a fan of her belly showing of course *bleck*

But it's a beautiful doll for sure!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Jump =)

Hooray for fall!!!
Yeah it's almostly over but oh well!

This has got to be one of my favorite pictures =)

What genius figured out how to take a picture of a JUMPING DOLL?!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Saturday, November 22, 2014


So in love with fall guys. It's almost pretty muchley over where I am though.  But oh well!

This doll though!  The dress is so perfect for her =)

Picture source trisquette.blogspot.com

Friday, November 21, 2014


Ok, so, this morning I randomly discovered these amazingly CUTE dolls and just went crazy over them!  They are so pretty and I'm totally obsessing!

But so ten minutes ago (Ok, more like 30) I thought "Hey!  I going to make a blog and post pictures of these beauties!" and so TA DA here it be and here I am and yeah I'll probably lose interest in this pretty shortly but oh well I've had fun =)

I honestly don't know like anything about these dolls, other than that they are SO CUTE and I'd love to learn how to customize them and make clothes for them and HAVING one actually would be cool!

But for now!  PICTURES!!!!  Cause hey pictures are free for the most part! =)

Alright have a great evening!

And if you know anything really about Pillup Dolls please comment and chat! =)

Bye now!
